100 YEars Of Leica

Witness to a Century (1925-2025)

In 2025, Leica Camera AG is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Leica I. First presented to the public at the Leipzig Spring Fair in 1925, it was the first 35mm camera to be mass-produced and exceeded all expectations. To commemorate the centenary of this groundbreaking camera, Leica will present a range of special activities and exclusive products, embodying the brand’s tradition, craftsmanship, and iconic status. 

Globally Celebrated Anniversary

Throughout 2025, Leica will host international events in major cities, showcasing cultural projects and exclusive special edition. The celebrations will take place in Dubai, Milan, New York, Shanghai, Tokyo, and, as the highlight, an anniversary week at the Wetzlar headquarters, accompanied by prestigious exhibitions in Leica Galleries worldwide.

Through cultural projects, international exhibitions, and extraordinary product launches, the legendary story of the Leica icon will be honored—along with the courage of visionary Ernst Leitz II, who took the risk of serial production for the original Leica in 1925. 

The celebrations worldwide will feature a carefully curated collection of accessories and collector’s items. Among these are unique creations designed and crafted in collaboration with renowned partners such as Graf von Faber-Castell and Steiff, whose shared commitment to heritage and quality aligns perfectly with Leica’s values.

Bringing Vision to Life

The Leica I was groundbreaking for photography, paving the way for the Leica M, which became a symbol of documentary, journalistic, and artistic photography, leaving a lasting impact on the field. To this day, the Leica M continues the photographic vision of its predecessor. The Leica M-System remains a benchmark, defined by its compactness, precision, user-centric design, and innovation. Discover Leica M-Cameras and M-Lenses to bring your personal photographic vision to life.

Leica m Cameras Leica M Lenses